The Mobile, Holiday, Realtor

I was recently a guest at a Christmas Cookie Party. When the party was over and guests begin to say their goodbyes, wouldn't you know it, I was asked a real estate question. I am so glad I keep my droid phone and iPad on hand. This made it quick and easy to answer the question.

Wherever you are for the Holidays make sure you are mobile ready. No, I'm not saying you should hit the party or Holiday event in full force as a real estate agent. I am suggesting that you are ready for the real estate question.

Keep your smart phone or tablet on hand. Ladies, you have an advantage, a purse. I always have my iPad in my purse.  In addition, to having your smart devices handy make sure you know your market.  Is it a buyers or sellers market?  Are there many pre-foreclosures or bank owned homes in the area?  Those are just a few question you may be asked when at a social function.

Here are a few tips. Make sure your MLS is a tab on your home screen. If your MLS or brokerage has an app make sure it's downloaded and updated.

My favorite tool for sharing an active listing quickly is Cloud CMA. If you are a member of MREDLLC Cloud CMA is included in your MLS fees. Cloud CMA allows agents to email a full property report using their smart phone without ever logging into the MLS or Cloud CMA. Sounds so simple. And it is. A full report in minutes. has how to videos if you are a member. You can also watch the video on the home page of Cloud CMA after logging in

All of these tools are easy to use. Check out Cloud CMA and make sure your Smart devices are ready for any event not just the upcoming Holiday Party. Be sure to try the apps before you have to demonstrate one. There is nothing like trying to use an app for the first time and having no idea how it works. Just saying...

Enjoy your events and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.


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