Jump on the Social Media Band Wagon

So many social media platforms to chose from.  What should I do?  I say jump on the wagon.  You have nothing to lose except time.  Of course, don't get so involved in social media that you don't work or accomplish the things that actually generate income.

If you have friends, co-workers or, yep, your kids telling you about a new social media platform it may be something to consider.  Especially if your kids are trying the sites.  If it's being talked about your clients may be using them or considering it.  We all know about


If you are unaware of a few of these you may want to try at least one new social media site.  Your buyers and sellers are searching for you on google.com.   Therefore, you may want to consider at least the first few social sites.  If you're like me I like Pinterest for fun.  However, I will add a listing to the site.  Just in case a seller is looking.    While using these sites determine which sites offer the best return.  It may take several months to make this determination but it will be well worth.  The Y Generation is shopping on social media.  Don't be left behind because you refuse to embrace this great technology.  


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