Are you overwhelmed with social media?

Great topic! Yes, most of us are overwhelmed with technology. By the time you've figured out how to use Facebook someone tells you to use Twitter, Linked In, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram.....shall I go on. Whoa, there's just way too much to learn. So what should we do first?

The best way to begin is with the most popular tools. Facebook is the most popular social media platform. Therefore, using Facebook and learning how to integrate it into your daily business is the best way to begin. If you don't have a Facbook personal page create one today. Go to and get started with your personal page. Don't be afraid to click. You can't break it. If you do, then it needed to be broken. Add family and friends you already know could be using facebook. Get them to interact with you so you become familiar with the program. 

If you already have a Facebook  Personal Page consider creating a Fan Page.  Also known as a business page.  Once you are logged into facebook scroll down to the bottom of Facebook and click Create a Page

Make sure you know your real estate tools. If you don't understand how to use your MLS you are doing a disservice to your buyers and sellers.


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